Supportive programs
Revenue generated by our businesses helps fund a range of supportive programs in the hospital and in the community.

Music Therapy
Each year, the Delta Hospital Auxiliary Society makes a financial donation to cover the costs of a Music Therapy Program, which involves the skillful, goal-oriented use of music to effect beneficial responses in the recipient

Pillow Pals
Pillow Pals is a volunteer-run program that provides hand-sewn pillows for post-surgery breast cancer patients. Two pillows are given as a set: one for under the arm for side support and the other to provide cushioning under a seatbelt. DHAS volunteers create more than 600 pillows annually.

Spiritual Care
Since 2015, the Delta Hospital Auxiliary Society has funded a half-time position to attend to the spiritual and emotional needs of patients, their families and all health care staff at the Delta Hospital. This support is available for people of all religious beliefs, and for those without a faith community.

Student Bursary Program
To show our appreciation for the support that DHAS receives from the community, the Delta Hospital Auxiliary Society annually awards twelve bursaries to support new and returning students in the healthcare field.