Please support us as we continue to raise money for the Delta Hospital.
Thanks to Rotary and Pure Sun Farms
THANK YOU ROTARY CLUB OF LADNER & PURE SUN FARMS. DHAS sends a heartfelt thank you to the Rotary Club of Ladner for putting up the Christmas Lights at Delta Hospital this year. DHAS would also like to thank Pure Sun Farms for donating their time to help the Rotary Club in putting up the lights and for donating additional …
Can you help?
BOARD MEMBERS NEEDED At the annual spring AGM each year our Auxiliary needs new Board members for our Council. Positions are for two years, with various positions alternating in odd and even years. From spring of 2021 according to our bylaws and/or vacancies we will need: • Vice President • Hospital Coordinator and Assistant • Lifeline Coordinator and Assistant • …
FALL PREVENTION MONTH We are fortunate to have the amazing, personal Lifeline service in Delta. It’s a 24/7 supportive care service that may be essential for you or your loved one’s safety at home or out and about in the community. If falls are a concern, we have the latest in fall detection technology to call for assistance if you …
Thrift Closure – Mon, Nov 16
The Thrift store in Ladner will be closed for one Monday only on Nov 16. We will be open Tue/Th/Sat as usual for shopping, and Wed/Fri/Sun for dropping off donations.
Lest We Forget
We remember the men and women who served.
Christmas Store
Come in and check out our 2020 version of the Christmas Store.
Thrift Housewares Store 2-day closure
The Thrift Shop Housewares Store will be closed on Nov 7 and Nov 9. From now until then everything in that shop is on sale at ½ price, so come in and shop now!
No 1 Store
For many years Delta residents have chosen the Auxiliary Thrift Store as the best in that category in Delta. Thank you, everyone, for your support. Thank you also for your donations. Our volunteers work very hard to provide a wonderful shopping experience for the community, and to provide funds for special items for the Delta Hospital.
Donations to Hospital
Donations can be large or small.