The Thrift store in Ladner will be closed for one Monday only on Nov 16. We will be open Tue/Th/Sat as usual for shopping, and Wed/Fri/Sun for dropping off donations.
Lest We Forget
We remember the men and women who served.
Christmas Store
Come in and check out our 2020 version of the Christmas Store.
Thrift Housewares Store 2-day closure
The Thrift Shop Housewares Store will be closed on Nov 7 and Nov 9. From now until then everything in that shop is on sale at ½ price, so come in and shop now!
No 1 Store
For many years Delta residents have chosen the Auxiliary Thrift Store as the best in that category in Delta. Thank you, everyone, for your support. Thank you also for your donations. Our volunteers work very hard to provide a wonderful shopping experience for the community, and to provide funds for special items for the Delta Hospital.
Donations to Hospital
Donations can be large or small.
Volunteers Needed
Thrift Shop volunteers are urgently needed!
Bursary Winners
Check out our most recent Bursary award winners.
50 Years and still going strong!
On July 12 the Auxiliary was thrilled to complete 50 years of contributing to the Delta community. Celebrations included a fun afternoon at the Harris Barn and the distribution of A Book of Memories, a comprehensive history of our growth and achievements. Thousands of men and women have volunteered over the years, with 57 of them contributing for more than …
March 2019 – a Message From the Outgoing President, Yvonne Chard.
It is lovely to see the warmer weather, spring flowers and busy birds. Here are a few bits of Council news for you. At our monthly Council meeting, we made some decisions on how to spend some of the money the volunteers have earned. We have chosen more than $650,000 worth of hospital equipment to pay for in 2018. We …