Delta Hospital Auxiliary Society Lifeline program continues to support patient care throughout the community during the Pandemic. Three volunteers including Gary and Reg provide countless hours helping with setup of essential Lifeline equipment for clients. All proceeds are invested into the care and comfort of Delta Hospital patients, Mountain View Manor residents and the community.
Easter Hours at the Thrift Store
Here are our Easter Hours for both donations and shopping.
Great News!
The Thrift Shop will now be open 6 days per week. Monday – 1:00 p.m.- 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday – 10:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m. However, due to limited space and volunteers, SOME DONATIONS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED AT PRESENT While we wait for our burned store to be renovated, we will no longer be accepting furniture, pictures …
Vice President Needed
Please consider volunteering on our Executive.
Bursary Information
We are pleased to once again offer bursaries for Delta students going on with medical studies. Please email for detailed information and an application form.
Dynamic Photo Vancouver Fundraiser
We would like to thank Dennis Bellia of Dynamic Photo for holding a photo fundraiser for the Auxiliary, and for the community supporters. All were treated to beverages and delicious treats by a number of local partners. The turnout on both days far exceeded expectations and the fundraiser generated a very generous amount of over $1500.Delta Hospital Auxiliary Society is very grateful …
Re-opening Thrift Store
February 1, 2021 WE’RE BACK! THRIFT SHOP RE-OPENING SAT FEB 6 DONATIONS ACCEPTED AGAIN Drop off across the street at back door of 4817 Delta Street
Fire Update 1
To answer some questions: In the recent fire, one of the three stores was severely damaged, especially the roof. We have insurance coverage. It will take time for restoration. At present volunteers are not able to enter the buildings. We have a lot of decisions to make in the near future. We will keep the community updated with changes. Until …
On December 27 in the evening a fire broke out and damaged the Thrift Shop. The store(s) are closed until further notice. We are unable to accept donations at this time.