Since 1969, the Delta Hospital Auxiliary Society (DHAS) has supported Delta Hospital through a wide variety of programs and initiatives. The Auxiliary supports patient care and comfort at Delta Hospital Campus of Care, which includes Delta Hospital, Mountain View Manor, and Irene Thomas Hospice. Our offices, where you may find our staff, are situated in Delta Hospital.

DHAS Office
The Auxiliary office is headquarters for all Auxiliary business. Office volunteers provide clerical support to the Auxiliary, as well as assist in organizing the annual general meeting and volunteer recognition events.
Contact: Lori MacLennan

Business Manager

Board of Directors
The DHAS Board of Directors is responsible for steering the organization toward a sustainable future by adopting sound, ethical, and legal governance and financial management policies, as well as by making sure DHAS has adequate resources to advance its mission. Our volunteer Board members are drawn from the Delta community and are committed to serving and prioritizing the best interests of the DHAS. Board members bring to the table expertise in finance, human resources, healthcare, communications, business, and more.

Jim Short

Maureen Mooney
Vice President

Don Phelps

Lynda Laughlin

Hugh Burke

Elaine Canning

Katy Ellsworth